11 May, 2009

Alex J. Marban, MD of Hialeah, Florida is an early Electronic Medical Records adopter, streamlining his practice with a leading edge, web-based technology.

Alex J. Marban, MD, Otolaryngologist (Hialeah, Florida) Utilizes a Web Based Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Practice Management (PM) & Document Management

 “I have been using the Waiting Room Solutions since January 2008,” stated Dr Marban “and I am very pleased with the system. The system was fairly straight forward to implement initially and you are given instruction by the technical staff on how to get started. The technical support is very good and they are prompt to respond for your request for technical help. Like any new system, there is an initial learning curve to get comfortable managing the system, but it is not complex. Once I become comfortable with the system it is very straightforward and quite easy to use. In my opinion, probably the best features are its simplicity and the use of templates in the EMR which save me time, as I\'m documenting history and physical in the electronic record. Another plus is that I can view my patients’ electronic medical records from outside of the office from any computer terminal that has internet access"  

Otolaryngology: Web Based EMR and Practice Management System Completely Customized for an ENT Practice. 

Genesis Health Clinic of Hiawatha, Iowa is streamlining their practice with a leading edge, web-based technology.

Genesis Health Clinic Selects Waiting Room Solutions for Web-Based Electronic Medical Record & Practice Management 

Waiting Room Solutions offers Genesis Health web-based, patient communication through a customized, patient health portal website. The practice will have HIPAA-complaint connections to local and national pharmacies, equipment vendors, labs, physicians, hospitals, insurers and patients... all in real-time. Patient records will be digitally stored, utilizing Waiting Room Solutions’ secure, HIPAA-compliant, encrypted technology. Clinical, billing, and scheduling information will be accessible to the practice staff from any Internet connection… 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.

 Family Care: Powerful Web-based EMR and Practice Management System that Enables Your Family Practice to Cut Costs and Improve Profitability